3 timeless lessons Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations could teach you about financial planning

Charles Dickens would have turned 212 on 7 February 2024. This world-famous author penned 15 novels in his career, and perhaps his most timeless publication is Great Expectations, the coming-of-age novel that follows Pip, a poor young boy who dreams of becoming a gentleman in London. Although the novel was written nearly 200 years ago, […]
What’s next for interest and inflation rates?

Over the past couple of years, it’s been difficult to escape headlines detailing the UK’s shifting interest and inflation rates. Indeed, after several significant global events, including Covid-19 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) reached a 41-year high of 11.1% in October 2022. In response to a post-pandemic rise in inflation, […]
How much is “enough” wealth for you? 5 steps you could take towards finding out

When you think about your hopes for the future, you may have some goals that seem to hang in the balance. Indeed, ambitions such as helping your children onto the property ladder, booking a round-the-world trip in retirement, or remaining in your family home past working age, might have sat on the “maybe” pile for […]
Guide: 7 allowances you might want to use before the end of the 2023/24 tax year

When a new tax year starts, many allowances reset. So, checking if you could make use of allowances before Friday 5 April 2024, when the 2023/24 tax year ends, might be valuable. This guide explores some of the allowances that could help your money go further. You might discover you could reduce your Income Tax […]
Guide: 10 incredible destinations to add to your bucket list

Seeing more of the world makes up many people’s bucket lists. Whether you want to be left in awe of natural sights, immerse yourself in a different culture, or see a historic monument, there are plenty of destinations to choose from. Read our guide to discover 10 bucket list-worthy destinations that might tempt you to […]
Everything you need to know about the 2023 Autumn Statement

On 22 November 2023, chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered the Autumn Statement against a backdrop of a cost of living crisis and a looming general election. It’s been a challenging year with inflation dominating headlines. While inflation has fallen, it’s still higher than the Bank of England’s 2% target at 4.6% in the 12 months to […]
The guide to using equity release to unlock property wealth later in life

Your home may be one of the largest assets you have. With property wealth often inaccessible, you may be considering using equity release to unlock some of the money tied up in your home. According to the Equity Release Council, the average new customer unlocking property wealth releases almost £60,000. So, using equity release could […]
Guide: 7 useful questions if you plan to take a flexible income from your pension

When you start to access your pension, how will you take an income? One of your options may be to withdraw a flexible income that suits your needs through flexi-access drawdown. A flexible income puts you in control and means you can adjust how much you withdraw from your pension if you need to. However, […]
4 important elements the “sandwich generation” could focus on for a more prosperous future

In 2021, around 3% of the UK population was providing care for more than one generation at once. This statistic, while seemingly small, comes from a BBC report on the “sandwich generation” – those aged between around 45 and 54 – who are tasked with caring for both children and elderly parents at the same […]
How to choose an appropriate executor of your will, and why it matters

Creating a will is one of the most important steps you can take to prepare for the future. While thinking about your death isn’t pleasant, putting your wishes in writing can help your family feel confident that your affairs are in order. One aspect of will-writing that you may have overlooked, however, is choosing the […]