6 ways to access your pension

The wonderful, over-complicated world of pensions is full of jargon, so let’s start with a jargon-buster: Annuity: An annuity allows you to swap your pension savings for a guaranteed regular income that will last for the rest of your life. Flexi-access drawdown: Flexi-access drawdown is a pension product that lets you access your pension savings whenever you need […]

Pensions and marathons

If the title of this blog has filled you with dread, you are not alone. In fact, as a keen runner myself the thought of running a marathon certainly doesn’t fill me with joy. If you’re pension knowledge isn’t up to speed, have a read of our topic guide ‘An Introduction To Pensions’ here. It’s […]


As this is our first blog, we thought it would be useful to explain a little bit about us. So here you go… WHO do we help? Our clients are from diverse backgrounds. This is what I love about our profession – meeting different people with unique stories and differing requirements from a trusted adviser. […]