Remortgaging: The essential steps you should take when your mortgage ends

If your mortgage deal is coming to an end or it’s already expired, you should consider remortgaging. This guide reveals the essential things you need to know.

The government previously estimated 57% of fixed-rate mortgages ending in 2023 had an interest rate below 2%. When these mortgage deals end, it’s very likely that households will now need to pay a much higher interest rate.

While remortgaging could still mean outgoings rise, it could help secure a more competitive interest rate and save you money over the full mortgage term.

As remortgaging is something that you’ll probably do several times, it’s important to understand how it works and the steps you can take to make the process smoother.

The guide explains:

  • Why homeowners remortgage
  • How remortgaging could save you money
  • Practical steps you can take when you’re ready to remortgage
  • How a mortgage broker can be valuable during the remortgaging process.


Download your copy of ‘Remortgaging: The essential steps you should take when your mortgage ends’ now to understand why remortgaging is important and to potentially save money.

If you have any questions about mortgages and the remortgaging process, please contact us.

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    About the author
    Picture of Oliver McDonald
    Oliver McDonald
    Oliver is the managing director and independent financial adviser at Engage Wealth Management.
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